What and Why

This is a blog about teaching high school math in California in 2011. My goal is to share what new things I will try in the classroom this year and how successful these might be .

The symbol on the header is of the Roman god Janus – the god of beginnings and transitions. Since teaching is always about looking back and looking forward, the emblem seemed an appropriate choice.

WednesdayI will find  what I will be teaching next year, but it looks like AP Statistics  – my favorite course – has enough students signed for it to make it a GO!    YEAAAAAHH!

Over the summer I will be looking at how to implement Standard Based Grading (SBG) and (may be!) flipping the classroom.

For right now, I still have to give the kids the final exams and their grades and also start packing for the move in the new building.

4 responses to “What and Why

  1. I would love to have a conversation about how to use SBG in AP Stat. That is one of my summer goals!

    Welcome to blogging 🙂

  2. What a coincidence! Great minds… etc., etc.

    I saw your message after my latest post and it seems we are on the same page. Two things: first, as far as AP Stats, I think the quizzes should include some sort of a “mini free response” question My kids have trouble (a) keeping to the point and (b) using statistical language and reasoning in the free response questions. Therefore, i want to train them early (and without afull chapter test) to start speaking and thinking stats.

    Second, as far as keeping track of the grades, have you looked at ActiveGrade? Riley is making some welcome changes which will become available June 15. I have a feeling that as trivial as it sounds having colors for the performance in each learning objective will make the kids more eager to remedy.

    I am in the process of writing the first quizzes and will be glad to share them.

    Nice to make the connection with you.

  3. I’m also thinking about SBG for AP Stats. I’d like to work on quizzes, perhaps some way to make them dynamic so that I can generate them quickly for reassessments. I tend to have large class sizes and reassessments can be very time consuming. I’m a little hesitant about diving in with SBG for AP Stats without some support or collaboration. I’d love to work with others on it. I will be following your blog with great interest and hopefully even collaborate.

    • Hi – Sorry for the delay. As you can see from my last two posts (a) I was on vacation and (b) I am struggling with how to construct meaningful assessments.
      I’ll be glad to share what I have, but I am not very happy with them yet.
      BTW – nice problem solution re points close to the center vs. close to the sides.

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